30 August 2010

August, otherwise known as "the month that flew by"

matt did this to himself. we swear.


most perfect boat day ever, except for the very out-of-practice docking (lori)

matt's new car, thanks, kristi!

abby just started to fit into water wings and thinks she is invincible. might as well be wonder woman boots.

day at the water park. it looks nice and cool, but you can't see us sweating through our shorts.

studious I

studious II

this is our play kitchen. not really, it's just a drawer with all our play kitchen stuff. a typical conversation:

matt: mommy play trucks with me
lori: let's make cupcakes (the play kind)

you'll remember these jams as having fit another crawford superhero

it's rainy season here, and abby got to play outside in one of them. see her here:

and check out matt about the same age:

Matt - May 2009, 19 mos.

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