12 June 2007

Halfway There

Monday was our second of two ultrasounds to make sure baby is developing normally. All checked out. Lori's family got to come see the ultrasound since they were in town, and the tech was so gracious - turned the room into a mini-theatre and spent extra long on showing us the little parts (not all of them!).

The baby is healthy, about 14 oz, heartbeat 142, and kicking and squirming in there like she's getting ready for a swim meet. Lori started feeling the movement in Colorado but did not realize it was baby until we got back home to Florida. It feels a bit like the rumbling of a hungry tummy without the noisy growling. We both love the feeling of little elbows and knees and it is still awesome to us this entire process.

We tried to upload ultrasound pics to this blog, but they would not take, so if you want to see the cutest nose and toes in utero, drop one of us an email and we'll send them.

Here are some belly pictures from Colorado. We were at about 20 weeks at this time.


We had a great time in Colorado - nearly a week of mountains, creeks, boulders, elk (or deer, we couldn't tell which), and even snow. Dave was in heaven with the cool weather and Lori spent the week bundled up in layers of polartech.

Saw some of the most beautiful landscape God has created, shared picnic lunches, spit cherry pits out the window of the car, and explored Red Rocks Ampitheatre, very slowly, on foot. Hope you enjoy the pictures.

Here is Dave on our drive thru the moutains west of Denver, to Central City:


Red Rocks Ampitheatre

Lori at our first stop in Rocky Mtn National Park

Snow angels near Bear Lake in Rocky Mtn National Park. Yes, it was snowing and extremely cold.


Elk? Deer? Really big dogs?

Lori and Dave almost to Trail Ridge Road; the road that takes you from one end of Rocky Mtn National Park to the other. Happened to be under 3 feet of snow the day we went, so we drove up as far as they'd let us, froze our bunskies off, then went back down.

(Closeup) Dave and Lori at Red Rocks